Inclusive workplace cultures contribute to bottom-line success, social change, and individual well-being.

We offer innovative expertise to ensure equitable workspaces where people are valued and shared purpose fuels a bright future for all.


Culture is strategic—people are the foundation of organizational success. Our evolutionary services help you ensure equity through education, communication, and implementation of ideas that support organizational purpose, people, profit, and planetary sustainability.

From representation, policies, and processes to access, communication, and development, it is essential to ensure activities and decisions reflect the commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice. Our measurable, data-driven, people-first approach leads to a high-performing workplace.


We serve clients in communication, education, financial services, healthcare, information technology, insurance, manufacturing, nonprofits, and start-ups, as well as community development and advocacy organizations.

Email to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

Research Outcomes

Teams where there is gender equity earn 41% more revenue.

95% of workers said it is important to feel respected at work.

83% of millennials are more actively engaged when they believe their company fosters an inclusive culture.

79% of job seekers state it is important that they work for a place that hires people from diverse backgrounds.

Time for Intersectional and Gender Equity

Black, Indengious, and People of Color (BIPOC) face continuing under-representation in employment and management roles.

On average, women earn 20% less than men; gaps are significantly higher for BIPOC communities.

In 2021, 26% of all CEOs and managing directors were women, compared to only 15% in 2019.

As of 2023, only 5.8 % of the Fortune Global 500 Companies are run by female CEO’s.

Where People and Organizations Thrive

Equity is at the core of a healthy, successful organizational culture. The foundation includes a workplace where individuals are valued and have a clear purpose and shared goals. Along with access to leadership, resources, and education that fosters inclusion and belonging.  Pillars that ensure a resilient workforce include:

  • Physical and Psychological Safety
  • Opportunity for Growth
  • Development and Education
  • Connection and Community
  • Work-Life Harmony

Email to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

Judith Lukomski, CEO of Transitions Today, inspires audiences to reflect, innovate, and lead transformation. Change begins with the individual and expands with commitment and community. Explore the impacts of inequity, address intersectional issues, and discuss the benefits of inclusion in the workplace and world. Frequently requested topics include Leading with Purpose, Equality vs. Equity, Allyship, Women at Work, and Work as a Spiritual Practice.

Advancing change requires vision, resources, community, and advocacy at every level. We work with clients to define and integrate philanthropic causes with business strategy and champion NGOs aligning with the UN 2030 Goals.

Community Impact

We are committed to increasing equity and inclusion. We live our values by developing local partnerships and supporting national programs. We were honored to host the Orange County viewing of “Rethinking the Past, Present & Future of Women + Power” documentary and, in addition to our core business practices, have served:

  • As a national delegate for the Drexel University Vision Forward, a nonpartisan convener, catalyst, and rallying point for women and men committed to achieving economic, political, and social equality for women.
  • On the inaugural 50/50 Women on Boards Orange County Host Committee, working to ensure more women achieve roles on corporate boards.
  • To launch and grow the Orange County Chapter of the global Ellevate Network for Professional Women to thousands of community members throughout Southern California.

Our Commitment

 Think Global and Act Local

The United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development were confirmed on September 25, 2015, when world leaders committed to achieving 17 goals by 2030 to achieve the following:

  • End Extreme Poverty
  • Fight Inequality & Injustice
  • Fix Climate Change

Learn More About the Global Goals For Sustainable Development

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Leading Chats for Change

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Creating community through collaborative conversation. Unique events with speakers, films and panels focused on social justice, positive change, and equity in alignment with the UN 2030 Goals.