The last twelve months have been nothing short of extraordinary. From an unprecedented election cycle, to science fiction realized with driverless cars, personalized virtual reality advancements and rise of the IoT. Let’s not forget the race to Mars; shift in global relationships and economic restructuring — the world is changing!
How you respond to change and how you choose to evolve matters! Your ability to adapt and re-calibrate is requirement for personal and organizational well-being. Outlined below are five tips to help you shift from this year to next with ease and set yourself up for success!
Stop, take a deep breath, and – let it go. You can’t go back and make different choices or decisions. However, you can move forward with courage. Leave behind expectations; be accountable for your choices and shift your mindset to focus on the present.
Practicing mindfulness is an essential part of the process and it’s simple to begin. Focus your attention; breathe, take notice of your surroundings, emotions, become fully present in the moment–then act. With this simple process a new awareness develops; compassion for yourself and others is easier to access and change becomes more manageable.
Take Stock
Those who dream and plan, then work their plan and adapt when necessary — achieve! Make time to conduct a personal inventory. What’s most important to you? How are you living your values and principles? These questions open a reflective inner dialogue which encourages positive change. When living in alignment with personal values, your productivity and happiness quotient soars.
Give Thanks
Living in gratitude is a choice which requires diligence of thought and action. How you choose to look at the world goes a long way in creating the world you live in. Your growing awareness creates waves positivity. You lift the spirits of people you may never know through acts of kindness.
Are you living to work or working to live? Step away from the busyness of life to recommit to the life you want to create. Begin to clarify your vision and define the changes which take you closer to your desires. Commit to continuing the process in the New Year. Considering your purpose can be both a daunting and thrilling process. Asking for help along the way makes all the difference.
Your actions set positive change in motion. As a new year dawns; breathe deeply, be present, give thanks and commit to your best life. When you step forward you inspire positive change at home, at work and in the world. Make 2017 your best year yet – you can do it!
Judith Lukomski, Chief Evolution Officer, Transitions Today Inc.